Hello, it’s Malcolm Dunn here. I’m the Dean of the global leadership wellness Academy and known as LeadWell Global. What we’re doing is looking at a different style of leadership that we need moving forward as we come out of the global turbulence that we’ve had. Something that will really shape the environment we want, from both a commercial and a community perspective. So we’ve called this quantum leadership!
It’s an outside in model and really it is required if we not to. As Albert Einstein famously said, “the problems are seldom solved by the mindsets that created them”. So what is this different mindset? So as we’ve said, it’s a better understanding of the environment and all its variables and then being able to use that to make best decisions. And that’s what quantum thinking is about. So what we’ve learned from things that we’ve been good in the past, like scenario planning is to be imaginative and look at different plausible futures and from that be able to say what would that world look like?
But then also what would be some of the soft signals or the leading indicators that that was going to occur. And that way we feel that we’ve already set to see this emerging, we’ve already been through it. It takes us out of the shock stage of change cause we feel like now we can start to roll out some creative solutions.
Part of that is obviously being able to rapidly adapt, learn from the impact, rapidly adapt and be agile. And that’s an attitude roll thing. But if we feel that we in control and we grounded, we are able to adapt. If we’re anxious and rigid, we want to go for discipline in strong short term, which might be successful, but they potentially undermined the longer term solutions that we’re looking for.
So that’s really what we’re looking at. And quantum thinking outside in, looking at scenarios, being able to say what is it that we could do differently under those different scenarios and being ready for that change. Done some work in what we call them pre-mortems, imagine in five years time everything’s falling apart. What happened? And it’s quite interesting, some of the issues that have come up that we wouldn’t have got to if we’d just extrapolated today’s environment to that
So the whole concept of emerging med world back casting to what could occur now and starting to be able to see the weak signals to be able to notice it. So that’s the service we can provide online to you through a facilitated session with your executives, executive team, with the board to help think through those things. I’ve had many years of experience doing this on a global basis. Thank you. Look forward to hearing from you. You can contact us at LeadWellGlobal.com.